Zambie : Profil commercial
Les chiffres du commerce international
Zambia is open to foreign trade, which accounts for 69% of the country's GDP (World Bank, latest data available). Zambia's trade policy aims to diversify its economy through privatisation programs and the expansion of its export base. The country mainly exports copper (68.9%), sulphur (2.6%), electrical energy (2.6%), and ferro-alloys (1.9%). As for the country's main imports, they include petroleum oils (5.3%), sulphur (4.3%), mineral or chemical fertilisers (4.3%), copper ores (4.2%), and motor vehicles (3.8% - data Comtrade, 2022).
The country is a member of COMESA and has signed Interim Economic Partnership Agreements (Interim EPAs) with the European Commission. The country became a member of the WTO in 1995. Customs duties are high, but the country has few non-tariff trade barriers. Certain products such as crude oil, medical supplies, and fertilisers are exempt from import duties. However, irregularities in the tax system and high transportation costs are real trade barriers. Zambian products are mainly exported towards Switzerland (38.5%), China (20.7%), Democratic Republic of Congo (13.6%), Pitcairn (12.8%), and Equatorial Guinea (5.4%); whereas imports come chiefly from South Africa (30.0%), Equatorial Guinea (21.2%), China (15.5%), the United Arab Emirates (7.6%), and the Democratic Republic of Congo (7.3% - data Comtrade, 2022).
Zambia's trade balance has been experiencing a structural surplus in recent years. In 2022, exports of goods amounted to USD 11.6 billion, while imports reached USD 9 billion (+15.3% and +40.6% y-o-y, respectively – data WTO). As for services, exports reached USD 933 million, while imports amounted to USD 1.8 billion. The overall trade balance was estimated to be positive by 11.1% of GDP by the World Bank (from 18.2% one year earlier). According to the latest figures available from ZamStat, in the first three quarters of 2023, the country exported USD 8 billion worth of goods against USD 7.6 billion in imports.
Indicateurs du commerce extérieur | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
Importations de biens (millions USD) | 7.173 | 5.285 | 6.435 | 9.050 | 9.324 |
Exportations de biens (millions USD) | 7.039 | 7.924 | 10.101 | 11.664 | 9.652 |
Importations de services (millions USD) | 1.534 | 1.079 | 1.305 | 1.885 | 1.709 |
Exportations de services (millions USD) | 1.012 | 556 | 526 | 939 | 928 |
Balance commerciale (hors services) (millions USD) | 744 | 3.216 | 4.816 | 3.369 | n/a |
Commerce extérieur (en % du PIB) | 69 | 79 | 86 | 66 | n/a |
Importations de biens et services (en % du PIB) | 34 | 33 | 34 | 27 | n/a |
Exportations des biens et services (en % du PIB) | 35 | 47 | 52 | 38 | n/a |
Source : OMC - Organisation Mondiale du Commerce ; Banque Mondiale - Dernières données disponibles.
Principaux pays partenaires
Principaux clients (% des exportations) |
2023 |
Suisse | 41,4% |
Chine | 17,7% |
République Démocratique du Congo | 15,4% |
Singapour | 5,4% |
Afrique du Sud | 3,7% |
Zimbabwe | 2,8% |
Botswana | 1,7% |
Namibie | 1,4% |
Tanzanie | 1,3% |
Malawi | 1,3% |
Hong Kong SAR, Chine | 1,0% |
Inde | 0,9% |
Etats-Unis | 0,5% |
Kenya | 0,5% |
Canada | 0,5% |
Emirats Arabes Unis | 0,4% |
Pakistan | 0,3% |
Italie | 0,3% |
Mozambique | 0,3% |
Luxembourg | 0,3% |
Voir plus de pays | 16,3% |
Principaux fournisseurs (% des importations) |
2023 |
Afrique du Sud | 25,8% |
Chine | 16,2% |
Emirats Arabes Unis | 8,2% |
Inde | 5,6% |
Japon | 5,3% |
Singapour | 3,7% |
Arabie saoudite | 3,1% |
Tanzanie | 2,8% |
Bahreïn | 2,6% |
Etats-Unis | 2,5% |
Ile Maurice | 1,9% |
République Démocratique du Congo | 1,8% |
Namibie | 1,8% |
Royaume Uni | 1,2% |
Allemagne | 1,2% |
Qatar | 1,1% |
Mozambique | 1,0% |
Zimbabwe | 1,0% |
Suisse | 0,9% |
Malaisie | 0,8% |
Voir plus de pays | 38,9% |
Source : Comtrade, dernières données disponibles
Principaux produits échangés
Source : Comtrade, dernières données disponibles
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- Les conventions internationales
Membre de l'Organisation Mondiale du Commerce
Signataire de l'Accord international sur le café
- La coopération économique internationale
Membre du Marché commun de l'Afrique orientale et australe (COMESA)
Membre de la Communauté de développement de l'Afrique australe (SADC)
Membre de l'Union africaine (UA)
- Les ressources utiles
Bureau des Revenus de Zambie (ZRA)
- Organisation nationale pour la propriété intellectuelle
- Le Bureau d'enregistrement des brevets et des sociétés.
Accords internationaux et procédures douanières
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